
Picture of a boy reading a book. October is dyslexia awareness month.

Emergent Bilinguals with Dyslexia

Teachers of Emergent Bilinguals! October is Dyslexia Awareness Month! Many of you, with or without realizing it, may have emergent bilinguals with dyslexia in your classroom. We’re focused on equity through evidence-based instruction this year,…

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Black History Month banner in red yellow and green

Black History for Emergent Bilinguals

It’s Black History Month and a perfect time to teach emergent bilinguals content, language and literacy.  Essential questions about human struggle, civil rights, and fighting for change are sensitive but inspiring topics many of our students can relate to.

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Silhouette of young boy reading sitting against a tree at sunset.

Reconnect and reassess

How are our students doing? How are we as teachers doing, personally and in our teaching practice? Let’s take a breath and pause. Then, let’s reconnect and reassess!

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Image of wood surface with the cut out letters spelling "THANKFUL" and cut out shapes of leaves, acorns and pumpkins

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the first Thanksgiving for many of our students. It’s is an excellent opportunity to teach the content, language, and literacy around Thanksgiving. Wouldn’t be wonderful to do a little Thanksgiving lesson with them?

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Closeup of a young boy's hand with pencil filling out a worksheet.

Lesson planning for linguistic skills

Last week, I laid out basic steps for lesson planning for language and literacy in Stand Alone. Now I’d like to help with lesson planning for targeted linguistic skills that our students need to advance in their English acquisition – a key aspect often missing from Stand Alone.

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High school classroom from the back with teacher at the front of the class.

Lesson Planning for Language & Literacy

I’ve taken you through the planning process – thinking about themes, topics and objectives, a scope and sequence, and assessments, and classroom routines for foundational literacy. Now it’s time to lesson plan for language and literacy!

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Closeup of two men at a desk with computers reviewing hand-written notes.

Data-driven instruction for Stand Alone

You have a plan, you have your themes and content objectives, you have your scope and sequence! After meeting your students on Thursday and getting settled, let’s get started with assessments for Stand Alone – the key to data-driven instruction.

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