Lesson Plan

I am Malala Model ELA Lesson for Emergent Bilinguals in Grades 6-8


This model English Language Arts lesson uses a 6th Grade text to show you how to build oral language, literacy, and content knowledge! Use it as a template to design instruction for your middle school emergent bilinguals.

Grade Levels: 6–8, 9–12

Categories: Bilingual Resources, Lesson Planning, Teaching Oral Language, Teaching Reading Comprehension, Teaching Vocabulary, Teaching Writing

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Teachers! This lesson is designed for students in Grade 6 who are reading I am Malala, but can easily be adapted to another grade and/or another text. This is a model to show you how to activate background knowledge, build new knowledge, and connect oral to written language. 

It is meant to take place over the course of approximately 45-50 minutes (1 period) of instruction, but can be extended. 

Content Objective: I can explain Malala’s position on women, and what customs and traditions her society expects of them. 

Language Objective: I can use target vocabulary orally and in writing to summarize and explain Malala’s point of view, in both English and my Home Language.


  • 6R2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is developed by key supporting details over the course of a text; summarize a text 

(RI&RL)6R6: In literary texts, identify the point of view and explain how it is developed and conveys meaning. (RL)

Teachers! Please adjust the photos and sentence frames to reflect YOUR classroom! Make this lesson your own!