Teachers! This lesson is designed for the beginning of the school year with a 3-12 population of new students in the beginning stages of English language proficiency.
It is meant to take place over the course of approximately 180 minutes (4 periods) of instruction.
Lesson Objective: Students will identify facts about their school, and become familiar with its places and activities.
Feel free to change the pictures, vocabulary, and text to reflect your school! The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to their new school building and community and give them a context for learning. Make this lesson your own by adding video, pictures, showing students the school website, and/or taking them around for a tour of the school!
Language Objectives:
- Students will demonstrate comprehension, vocabulary growth, and oral and written fluency through listening, speaking, reading, and writing statements using “This is” and ask questions using Wh-words about their school using the target vocabulary: classroom, cafeteria, principal’s office, gym, schoolyard as well as additional vocabulary on the slides.
- Students will develop alphabetic knowledge by practicing an alphabet warm-up routine.
- Students will practice handwriting, spelling, and sentence structure through sentence stems and frames and vocabulary use.
Teachers! Please adjust the photos and sentence frames to reflect YOUR school! Make this lesson your own to familiarize your students with their new school and community!