
Vocabulary and Initial Sounds-and-Letters Worksheet


Teachers! Students need decoding skills in order to be able to read! This worksheet is meant to support students in Grades 3-12 who need practice in the  foundational literacy skills of sound-symbol correspondence, letter formation and handwriting, and word recognition in text. The worksheet can be adjusted for Grades K-2!

Grade Levels: Pre K–2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12

Categories: Assessment, Dyslexia, Lesson Planning, Teaching Phonics, Teaching Reading Comprehension, Teaching SIFE Adolescent Newcomers, Teaching Vocabulary, Teaching Writing

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Teachers! Students need decoding skills in order to be able to read! This worksheet is meant to support students in Grades 3-12 who need practice in the  foundational literacy skills of sound-symbol correspondence, letter formation and handwriting, and word recognition in text. Use for your whole class, or as a differentiated worksheet for guided or independent practice.

Use this with your academic vocabulary, which should be high level words connected to a meaningful topic, so students can work on foundational skills and practice vocabulary at the same time.

Throughout the school year, circle through as many words as you can representing all the consonants of English in word-initial position, so you can be sure students can match all those sounds and symbols. (Those consonants are: b, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, qu, r, s, t, v, w, x (rare as in xylophone), y, z and digraphs sh, ch, th, wh, and ph.

K-2 teachers! Adjust this worksheet by modeling instructions instead of providing them in writing, have students use Fundations or other ruled writing tablets or worksheets, and identifying words in text together as a class. Include handwriting worksheets that show arrows for letter formation.