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Quick Facts on Emergent Bilinguals
- Over 4.5 million English Language Learners in the U.S.,
- 4 million of them are Spanish speakers – nearly 10% of the U.S. public school student population,
- NY state has approximately 250,000 ELLs – 160,000+ are in NYC, mainly concentrated in Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.
- The majority of ELLs in the U.S. are born here and are U.S. citizens – however, in NYC, a slight majority are foreign-born.
- The top ten countries of origin of NYC’s foreign-born ELLs are the Dominican Republic, China, Yemen, Bangladesh, Ecuador, Uzbekistan, Haiti, Honduras, and El Salvador.
- Nationwide, ELLs continue to lag behind their non ELL peers in reading and math.
- In NY State, only 27% of ELLs will graduate from high school.
National Center for Education Statistics. English Language Learners in Public Schools